Jeremy Hammond, sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Denouncing state crimes is not a crime.
Jeremy Hammond was sentenced on Friday, November 15, 2013 to serve 10 years in a federal prison in the United States. Known under the pseudonym „Anarchaos” on IRC.AnonOps (for Anonymous Operations), he was accused of having illegally introduced in December 2011, within systems information of “Stratfor”, a private US company specialized in intelligence…
5 million confidential emails recovered by Jeremy were analyzed and published by WikiLeaks on February 27, 2012 under the name „The Global Intelligence Files.”
Campaign to support imprisoned „Anons”.
For over four years we have supported imprisoned Anons through the solidarity network „The Anonymous Solidarity Network.” As Jeremy Hammond, other hacktivists comrades are now in prison, sentenced to harsh sentences for participating in operations under the „Anonymous” banner or prosecuted and awaiting trial. They need your support.
They are not criminals, even less terrorists!
Cut from their families and friends, their solitude can be broken by receiving a letter. Financial support for Jeremy Hammond is managed by „Courage Foundation” an organization created by Julian Assange WikiLeaks founder.
1966 – The Anarchists – Lyrics by Léo Ferré – Cover La Signora (video).
There is not one in one hundred, and yet they exist.
The majority of the Spanish, you know why.
But, in Spain, they are not understood.
The anarchists.
They have all gathered some clout and some stones. They have their heart in front of them and their dreams in the middle. Also, their souls have been sapped by their damned ideas. There is not one in one hundred, and yet they exist. The majority of them are sons of noting or sons of so little that they are only noticed when they are feared. The anarchists.
They are dead ten hundred times for that stone and why? With fists of love-on the table or on nothing. With relentlessness. They make the blood pour. They stuck so hard, they could not strike again. There is not one in one hundred, and yet they exist. And if we must begin by a kick in the ass, one must not forget that it descends into the streets. The anarchists.
They have a black flag at half-mast on melancholy hope that they drag through life, some knives to cut the bread of friendship, and some rusted weapons so they do not forget. There is not one in one in one hundred, and yet they exist. They stand arm in arm in joy. And for this, they are always standing. The Anarchists.