Stand up for whistleblowers

A message from the Anonymous Solidarity Network:

Donate to the Courage Foundation.

The Courage Foundation runs the official defence funds for Jeremy Hammond, Barrett Brown, Matt DeHart and Lauri Love. The Courage Foundation is an international organisation that supports those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record. Courage raises funds for the legal and public defence of those who risk life or liberty to make significant contributions to the historical record.

Your contribution will make a real difference to our work supporting the truthtellers of today and the courageous whistleblowers of tomorrow.

Dr Keith Robinson:
We stand Anonymous together, shoulder to shoulder, never forget our fallen. They have been stolen from society!

  •  @mrkeithalanrob1

My family are palastinian refugees from Jerusalem. Thank you ANON for your support. You are the only ones trying to help.

  •  @AxiomaticEntity

Anyone Can Meditate:
Thank you. I began to think my view on the Palestinians was my own, adrift without support. How wrong I was.

  •  @any1canmeditate

I don’t understand the thought process of punishing a whistleblower? Corporate is bad.

  •  @BroHomos

Jim Lent:
Free the innocent! They should be thanked for telling the people the truth! FREEDOM.


Elaine Ossipov:
We need to call for the immediate and unconditional release of ALL Whistleblowers.

  •  @eossipov

Anything to Say:
Stand up for whistleblowers !

  •  @AnythingtoSay_

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