Anonymous fights for the freedom of all.
Citizen of the free World, we address you with a big sadness, a weight on the heart.
Anonymous was particularly shocked and horrified by the extreme violence of the repression of the peaceful demonstrations, organized by students from Quebec. We are anxious to express our solidarity and our condolences for the wounded persons and their families.
Anonymous requires from the government of Quebec to respect the fundamental rights of the citizens. The freedom of expression is an inalienable right on which no government can walk, without paying a heavy toll for this misdeed.
Anonymous requires from the government of Quebec to put an immediate term of that repression, and to stop the police violence against the peaceful demonstrators.
- In front of the injustice,
- In front of the corruption,
- In front of the repression, Anonymous will always be near the oppressed.
Operation Quebec wants to remind to the world, that we are united, and that together we shall not fail. Populate with the free world! Never forget that Anonymous fights for the freedom, of all, including yours.