Anonymous prepares to reveal Russia’s interests in Europe

This was announced by the Anons of the squad 303 group.

Project by squad 303, which created the web page,

through which 110 million messages were sent to the Russians to bypass Moscow’s propaganda and censorship.

Anonymous is preparing to unveil Russia’s interests in Europe to all in #OpRussia framework. This was announced by the squad303 group, explaining that they are working on this issue with a new project. The hactivists are known for creating the webpage, through which over 110 million messages were sent to Russian citizens’ mobile phones to explain to them what is really happening in Ukraine, bypassing the flamboyant Moscow censorship and propaganda about the war against the European country.

The squad303 is made up of an international team of programmers, based in Poland. Its name derives from a unit of the British Royal Air Force (RAF), made up exclusively of Poles, which fought in World War II. The name of the page also has a precise meaning: it commemorates the Polish victory against the Russian invasion of 1919-1920, achieved even though the enemy was superior in numbers and in terms of armaments.

— Francesco Bussoletti –

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