Anonymous Operation Free Catalonia

Greeting world, we are Anonymous #opCatalunya.

From East to West, from South to North, throughout the world,

to a greater or lesser extent, all states ignore the coup enforced by the Neo-Franco fascist state, conducting their “holy crusade” in the name of order and a return to tradition against self-government. The ruling powers of capitalist society, who hold the fate of nations in their hands monarchist and republican governments, secret diplomacy, the powerful business groups, the ruling parties, the capitalist press, the church–all of them bear the full weight of responsibility for this coup d’etat, which arose from the social organization that nourishes these institutions and is defended by them–a terror waged on behalf of their interests.

The people of Catalonia’s feeling of nationhood and their longing for self-government have undeniably deep historical roots, and have repeatedly been manifested throughout history. At the current time, Catalonia is part of Spain, which, for irrefutable historical, linguistic and cultural reasons is pluralization, although this fact is not acknowledged by its political structures. Catalonia’s desire to decide its own political future has become increasingly apparent to the whole world. To the point of becoming a sustained longing, which now reflects the will of the great majority of its people.

The right to decide one’s political future is universally recognized as being one of the essential and inalienable rights of democratic societies. It is this right that underlies the demand by a majority of the citizens of Catalonia, who wish to exercise it through the means of a referendum.

We wish to state that the Catalan people’s desire to express their will via a referendum is the majority view and cuts across all strata of society; and it is in keeping with the civic, peaceful and democratic determination expressed in the multitudinous demonstrations held by organized society in favor of its right to decide.

Once again it has been made clear that only the people to have served the interests of their peoples are those who, despite persecution and slander, have stood firm against nationalist hysteria, Neo-Franco fascism and demanded an immediate right on self determination without annexations.

Let Catalonia raise their voices for restoration of the civil rights taken from them, for social legislation presenting the demands of the people.

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