Help support Jeremy Hammond

Jeremy Hammond is a beneficiary of the Courage Foundation.

Help support whistleblower Jeremy Hammond #Anarchaos.

As anyone who knows him can plainly tell, Jeremy has put on some weight – all of it muscle. One of the ways Jeremy likes to pass time in prison is through exercise, which is not only good for the body, but good for the mind as well. He also says that the weather has been warming, and that the prisoners have begun to organize impromptu softball games in the yard. He seems particularly excited by this. :-)

Jeremy also writes that he is working his way through all the books people have been sending him from his wishlist and thoroughly enjoying all of them. Of course, he shares them with other inmates, and says that there are often lines at his cell to borrow books. So thank you to all who have contributed in that regard. Please know that you are not only helping Jeremy, but other prisoners as well.

As always, thank you to all who have written to Jeremy, or even simply spread awareness about his case. Your support and solidarity means the world to Jeremy. Thank you.

Some general rules to remember when writing to Jeremy and other prisoners:

Jeremy Hammond #18729-424
FCI Manchester
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 4000
Manchester, KY 40962
  • Please remember that all letters are screened, so please do not talk about anything illegal, or anything that you would not feel comfortable saying in front of police, prosecutor, judge, and jury.
  • If you would like a return letter, please include your return address in the body of your letter, as envelopes don’t always make it to prisoners.
  • Please DO NOT include glitter, glue, yarn, ribbons, etc. on your letters as they are prohibited. Crayons, colored pencils and markers are fine.
  • Please DO feel free to include articles that you think Jeremy would like to read! Jeremy has requested articles concerning Anonymous, or articles from anarchist or other similar alternative news sources. He says that he and his fellow inmates are starved for news of current events – a common sentiment in many prisons.
  • Please be patient when waiting for a return letter. Jeremy is currently having trouble sending outgoing mail, but please be assured that he reads and appreciates every piece of mail he gets.

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