Happy Birthday Jeremy Hammond

Jeremy Hammond Jail Support.

Jeremy Hammond aka #Anarchaos was born on January 8.

“If we don’t have Jeremy Hammond, if we don’t have Edward Snowden, if we don’t have Chelsea Manning, Barrett Brown, we don’t have a free press.” Chris Hedges – Investigative journalist & author.

Anonymous/LulzSec hackers found themselves, like Jeremy Hammond, nearly alone facing repression upon getting arrested. On Christmas day, 2011, LulzSec defaced the site of Strafor, a “private intelligence” multinational. By way of a homepage, there was now the scrolling text of The Coming Insurrection in English, and $700,000 was transferred from the accounts of Stratfor customers to a set of charitable associations – a Christmas present. And we weren’t able to do anything, either before or after their arrest. Of course, it’s safer to operate alone or in a small group – which obviously won’t protect you from infiltrators – when one goes after such targets, but it’s catastrophic for attacks that are so political, and so clearly within the purview of global action by our party, to be reduced by the police to some private crime, punishable by decades of prison or used as a handle for pressuring this or that “Internet pirate” to turn into a government agent.

Postcard blitz continues:

Considering the locations of all of the supporters of Jeremy, we have started this project not only to increase mail to Jeremy but to show Jeremy that he has support from all over the world. Jeremy has expressed many times that he loves receiving letters and his lawyers have expressed to us the prison’s frustration with having to sort through all of his mail. So, lets make Jeremy very happy and piss off the prison by sending Jeremy a postcard from wherever you live.

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