Anonymous Operation Iran #opIran

Most respectable and honourable citizens of Iran.

It is a time of action. An era of change is sweeping the world.

Everywhere, workers are taking their proper place, to lead and control their destiny. To speak on their own behalf, to speak for their future generations, and to speak on behalf of their dead.

This change is embodied by the people of Iran – it started in Iran. Though your suffering is great, your strength is greater. Though your trial is long, your will persists. The people of Iran have the admiration of Anonymous, and the entire world.

We can see that Iran still suffers at the hands of those in power. Your former government has seized control, and tries to silence you.

People of Iran – your rights belong to you. You have the right to free speech and free press, the freedom to assemble and to be safe in your person. You have the right to live free and without fear. As International Worker’s Day dawns – Anonymous stands with you!

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