Anonymous Operation Free Palestine

A message to the Israeli government.

A message from Anonymous to the Israeli government and the Zionist establishment.

No longer will your immoral actions and fascist regime go unpunished for the crimes it has committed against humanity. Anonymous is watching you. And our fury grows up day after day. We will no longer tolerate the propaganda and intimidation which you use to dominate the media and to justify your genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people. We will focus the eyes of the world upon you and hold you to account for your criminal actions.

To the people of Palestine :

  • Know that we are together, and united to fight against this oppression.
  • Know that we support you.
  • Know that you are not alone.

Anonymous are your brothers and your sisters, your sons and daughters, your relatives and your friends, with no regard for age, gender, race, religion, ethny or place of birth.

  • Anonymous is You.
  • Once united we are strong.

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