To the people of Greece, help us help you.
Our ships sail in support of the people of Greece who voted “No” to the EU and IMF’s hold on their financial affairs.
The illusion machines, these devices of fraud society so desperately relies upon to keep worldwide greed flowing, they’re the ones responsible for the financial chaos you see before you. Chaos is good, it reveals truth.
240 Billion Euros were lent to Greece, of which 90% went to the banks that gave Greece funds before the crash. Less than 10% of that bailout money was left to be used by the Government for the economy and helping weaker members of Greek society.
As always, the poor and struggling suffer because of the actions of an “elite” few. This time, we do not point our fingers to the government of Greece, because they are trying their best to protect their people – we point to the banks and fraudulent anti-human institutions who have plundered and raped a country rich of heritage and intellectuals stemming from the dawn of human civilization.
We know you need food, we know you are suffering. We need information on food stores, food banks and how to get donations to proper non-government related entities. As long as the Greek government continues to protect it’s people from the greed of the banking elite, it will have nothing to fear from Anonymous.
— We Salute you Greece, for saying “όχι”