Anonymous Code of Conduct


The Do Not List.

  • Do not trust anyone to be who they say they are.
  • Do not trust anyone to be who they say they are.
  • Do not give any personal information that could be used to identify you to anyone.
  • Do not mention anything about relationships, family, or relatives.
  • Do not mention ties to activist groups.
  • Do not mention the group Anonymous to anyone you do not know.
  • Do not mention anything about your past education, employment, etc.

Don’t connect directly to twitter — Ever.

Twitter may sometimes tell you when the US government requests information about your account, but not always. “U.S. Government Agencies including the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense. They require no probable cause or judicial oversight. An NSL is a demand letter issued to a particular entity or organization to turn over various record and data pertaining to individuals. NSL’s can only request non-content information, such as transactional records, phone numbers dialed or email addresses mailed to and from. They also contain a gag order, preventing the recipient of the letter from disclosing that the letter was ever issued.”

You are always being watched.

Anything you say in IRC, or anywhere else for that matter, can be used against you. Do yourself a favor, and do anonymous a favor – Don’t make threats to physically harm anyone, or talk about some website you’ve just hacked, or any other illegal activity you’ve decided has become necessary for whatever reason. Already the DHS has posted a bulletin in an attempt to “warn the public” about the danger to their safety that we pose.

if you have something private to say in email, get GPG.

Use it. What? it’s hard to setup? Who gives a shit – use it.

Use Tor / Tails.

We recommend using Tor, either standalone, or using a liveCD (on USB) with Tails.

Also use TrueCrypt and read up on it.

There is an option to create a hidden volume on it.

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