Operation Green Rights – March against Monsanto

International protest against Monsanto.

Everything that Monsanto touches becomes alien, unnatural, and irreverent.

On the occasion of the international protest against Monsanto Inc. on the twenty fourth of May, otherwise known as the March against Monsanto, those who oppose Monsanto’s destructive impact on our biosphere and our food supply will have their voices heard.

Its profits are made through damage instead of health, degradation and exploitation of family farmers, instead of helping families as they so heavily rely on with their deceitful marketing.

Organic farmers in America who see their crops accidentally contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds are then accused by Monsanto of seed theft in order to intimidate and prosecute them unless they adopt their geneology for further cross contamination.

  • Monsanto, Anonymous stands united against your bullying to dominate Nature.
  • Monsanto, nothing can hide the social and ecological havoc that the diffusion of your seeds and pesticides is causing on a global scale.
  • Monsanto, Anonymous thinks that you should be held responsible for the genocide of whole ecosystems, environmental devastation, and mass contamination of our planet.

STOP GMOs from monopolizing the market and the global economy.

STOP the perpetuation of a market which produces products such as RR2, that are resilient to gylcophosphates produced by Monsanto, which are toxic to humans.
How can we hope to survive on a planet whose resources are harmful to its inhabitants?

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