Higinio Ochoa – Show your support

We do not forget Higinio Ochoa III aka w0rmer.

Higinio Ochoa III was recently moved to what appears to be a permanent location in Ohio, where he will serve the remainder of his sentence.

Prior to this move, Kylie, Higinio’s wife and his Mother took a long trip from South Texas to Martinsburg, West Virgina where he was previously housed and believed to be a permanent location. Kylie and Karen were told they would be able to have a visit with Hig prior to traveling to the prison. Upon arriving at the facility, they were informed that the only interaction would be via a tv monitor.

The family left the prison hurt and bewildered that they were not able to see Higinio in person as promised. If you have followed this case, you know that Kylie is pregnant and is expecting to give birth in 6 weeks. Her window of opportunity to see her Husband is very small as she will not be able to travel shortly.

Part of jail support is doing our best to help the prisoners have visits from their families. It’s a vital part of assisting these prisoners emotionally to complete their sentence with as much support and love as possible. Being away from your family for 27 months is hard enough. This is an unusual case as Higinio is expecting a baby and will not be present for the birth of his son. We can assist Kylie and Higinio to have one visit before Kylie has baby Brody if you will be kind enough to share this post and donate as you are able to assist Kylie in getting to Ohio where Hig is presently incarcered.

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