Anonymous Turkey – Censorship is a crime!

Never forget that a free internet equals a free mind.

This bill you have drafted aims to prevent the development of the people of Turkey.

If you have your way, the upcoming generation will be left behind in terms of technology, and will not be able to keep up with the rest of the globe. This will cause the nation to lag behind most of the developed world.

Actually, it is largely evident that you are nothing more than „pawns.” You intend for this nation to be oppressed and deprived of its most basic freedoms. This country, like all others, needs access to technology in order to prosper and prepare for the future.

  • We will not let you achieve what we perceive as detrimental objectives.
  • We are working on delivering the aid which the public requires to get informed.
  • We are warning you! Censorship is a crime!

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