Anonymous Operation Valentine

FreeAnons is happy to announce support for Operation Valentine.
Where will we be on Valentine’s day? With whom?

Operation Valentine is an Anonymous effort to send incarcerated Anons and other political prisoners Valentines. Separated from their friends, their family and all of their loved ones, many of our brothers and sisters will be deprived of the most basic of human rights this Valentine’s day. Let us commemorate this day by sharing in their spirit and by reminding them that their isolation is only physical, that they are not alone and that they will not be forgotten! Choose a Valentine at the link provided below and send your love to one or more of the addresses listed.

One thing is certain, most of us will have the freedom to tell whom we care „I love you” and shower them with hugs. Separated from their friends, their family, all of their love ones, many of our brothers and sisters will be deprived of this most basic human right.

They have sacrificed their freedom to expose corruption and human rights violations. And as would say Che: At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.

So, Valentine day is a most appropriate occasion to share in their spirit and remind them, that their isolation is only physical. They are not alone, not forgotten and we stand with them and care. So lets our Valentine day cards show that we are indeed Legion, that we do do forget and that our gratitude and solidarity can be expected.

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