Anonymous Operation Areva

Anonymous Press Release #OpAreva #OperationGreenRights.

We are Anonymous. We are fighting against the construction of new generation nuclear reactor (EPR) that Areva is building. A project that seems promising but which may endanger the global population.

Indeed EPR reactors are supposed to be safer and better designed than the reactors of the present generation.

But anomalies were detected by the Nuclear Safety Authority in France (ASN) in the composition of the steel lid and in the bottom of the tank which is supposed to contain the reactor core at Flamanville (Manche).

Concern reaches foreign countries, „China will not load fuel in its two nuclear reactors EPR designed by the french firm Areva until all doubts about the safety of the equipment will not be fully raised” announced the Chinese minister of the Environment.

Indeed, Areva uses the same manufacturing process for the component of the tank in Taishan and Flamanville.

EDF and Areva will lead in the following months several tests to demonstrate that the tank satifies required standards for the regulation of nuclear pressure equipment (ESPN).

If tests show that the pieces do not meet the criteria. They would rebuild the tank or abandon the site.

We do not trust, indeed, both Areva and EDF cannot be objective, the financial stakes are too high to abandon the site. We must say NO to the EPR project in Flamanville, we already have enough power in that country where nuclear is a government religion.

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