Anonymous Iran – Woman, Life, Freedom

There are many Anonymous accounts gearing up for action against the dictatorial Iranian government.

Anonymiss are ready to fight #OpIran #IranianWomen.

Dear people of the world, we are Anonymous. When freedom is threatened in this world, we are the ones who bring it back. The tyrants are only great, if we are on our knees.

What condition is more miserable than to live like this, having nothing of your own and taking from someone else your ease, your freedom, your body and your life? Resolve to serve no more, and you are free. Freedom is what we are, and if you are not free, it is because you have renounced your desire.

As long as there is poverty, injustice and gross inequality in the world, none of us will stop. We must break down barriers and create new models of leadership.

It is time to stop trying to change women, and start changing systems.

If men no longer need to dominate, then women won’t have to be dominated. In 9 months, 23,698 Iranian children under the age of 14 were married… would you say that this act was consensual?

In 2007, more than 110,000 poorly veiled women were warned by the police for not respecting the strict dress code. Here we are in September 2022 at a tragic moment, where Mahsa Amini, 22 years old, dies following her arrest by the vice police, after three days in a coma.

So now ask yourself this. If I don’t do it, who will? If I don’t do it now, then when?

I am Mahsa Amini. We all are. And his voice will be heard until justice is done.

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