Anonymous by Anonymous

Freedom fighters or cyber-terrorists?

What do they think? What motivates them?

Internationally famous for cyber-attacks against the Church of Scientology, government agencies of the US, Israel, Tunisia, Uganda, and others; child pornography sites; copyright protection agencies; the Westboro Baptist Church; and corporations such as PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, and Sony,

who are the hacktivist collective known as ‘Anonymous’?

In November 2012, The Imaginary Book Co. invited Anonymous to share their thoughts. We wanted to try and capture something of the essence of an imaginary non-organisation, to preserve it as a time-capsule for the future. We believe we’re witnessing the birth of something important, although perhaps it’s too early to even say what it is yet: a new form of democracy? Time will tell…

We assured Anonymous we would not edit, collate, correct, censor, comment upon, or judge what we received. That’s for others to do. We would simply print. We didn’t know what we’d get, if anything. This is what we got.

Anarchic, chaotic, sensible, deep, shallow, thoughtful, radical, revolutionary, and funny, this book is the first time Anonymous have written in their own words; plenty has been written about them, most of it inaccurate. And who’s to say this book itself isn’t more disinformation? Does it express the hopes and desires and motivations of the entire collective? Undoubtedly not; just a small sample of the thousands of reasons why anyone would associate themselves. Nevertheless, it’s a snapshot of Anonymous, right here and now, at this moment in time. If you want to know where Anonymous is headed, this is the book for you. When your government starts burning books, this is the one they’ll come for first…

Published to coincide with Anonymous’ worldwide “Million Mask March” on November 5th 2013, this 212 page paperback book, measuring 190mm x 250mm (7.72 x 10.08 inches) is packed with images, slogans and texts that explain, not only what Anonymous think, but how to get involved yourself.

PLEASE NOTE: All royalties from this book are being donated to FreeAnons, which provides legal and moral support for activists facing prosecution for involvement, alleged or otherwise, in Anonymous actions.

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